You can purchase auto insurance for yourself or for your entire household. If you do not list yourself on the policy, you will not be covered unless you add the other drivers on your policy. Whether your auto insurance is per person or per car depends on your state insurance laws. Typically, you can pay the premium in full or in installments. Most insurance companies let you pay your premiums in installments, but some will charge you more if you do not pay on time indian news
Auto insurance rates are largely influenced by your driving history. The more traffic violations and accidents you’ve had in the past, the higher your rates will be. Your credit score may also have an impact on your insurance rates, but there are some states that don’t allow insurance companies to use it. You’ll likely need to pay a higher premium if you have a poor credit score.
The age of a driver can also affect the price of their insurance premiums. Young drivers generally pay more than older drivers, and insurers base their rates on actuarial data to assess the risk of insuring a young person. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Massachusetts and Hawaii prohibit insurance companies from using age as a rating factor. It is still possible to find cheaper insurance if you drive less than you should.
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